About Omnicap
​Omnicap is a registered Municipal Advisor with both the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) (#K0142) and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) (#867-00683) and a large* Registered Investment Advisor with the SEC (#133387).
* As of our most recently filed Form ADV Part 2A Brochure dated February, 2024, Omnicap had greater than $100 million of regulatory assets under management.
Omnicap's business model focuses on providing exceptional services to a managed number of clients so we can administer our engagements in a manner without overloading our resources. We strive to be considered an extension of our client's internal staff.
In addition to our commitment to client service, Omnicap places great importance on social responsibility. Our day-to-day operations are grounded in economic responsibility, ethical hiring, environmental awareness, and philanthropy. We realize that our client reach may be national, but that an incredible amount of good can be done by also acting locally.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
Diversity is a fundamental characteristic of Omnicap’s composition and core beliefs. Omnicap is an equal opportunity employer and at its core, our focus on diversity begins by attracting, retaining, and promoting individuals of exceptional ability and talent from all genders, racial, ethnic, social, economic, religious, sexual orientation, and personal backgrounds. As our company grows, so too does our diverse group of professionals. Our diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives are essential to the continued success of the firm and our employees.